The Puppy trim
A good Puppy trim should emphasis good tail set, a short back with good top line,
good front with layback of shoulder and good rear angulation
First, rough in the front with scissors, then rough in the trim of the hindquarter.
Balance the length of the body by leaving more or less fur in front and behind the
dog. Trim the top line on the croup a little at a time, frequently looking at your
dog for the balance. Be careful to trim the top line flat and straight and not in
roached shape. At the point A, the coat should become longer to blend with the long
coat of the top knot. The point A is slightly behind the last rib. Normally, you
should have longer coat at the back of the front legs and at the front of the hind
legs. The more space between the front and back legs, the more the dog will look
The line from the point A to point B should be straight. The width at shoulder (A)
should be the same as at the hip (B). Always trim a little at a time. It is easier
to trim more later than to wait for the fur to grow back. In C, an indentation will
show the well sprung ribs. In D, an indentation will show good front angle.

Always work on a clean and well brushed Poodle.