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By Michelle Scott, Kate Murray and Sylvy Bouchard

Breed standard * Corded Poodle * Health * Grooming * Links * Contact * Français


Canadian breed standard

"Forelegs straight, parallel when viewed from the front. When viewed from the side, the whole forelimb assembly should be placed well back on the body with a perpendicular line falling through the rear point of the scapula, the elbow at the deepest point of the brisket, and the back of the pastern. The angle of the scapula from the vertical should approach 45 degrees and the angle between the scapula and humerus should approximate 90 degrees. The pasterns are strong.
Shoulders: Strong and smoothly muscled. The shoulder blade (scapula) is well laid back and is about the same length as the forearm (humerus)"

This is an example of a good front. A better layback of shoulder would be preferred, but the rest of the elements are there - good length of upper arm and well placed on the body.
The front should be placed well under the body (the forelegs should ideally fall under or behind the ear) as in this example.
This is also a well placed front (extra hair on the chest can sometimes give the illusion that the front is set under more than it is)
These fronts are all placed too far forward on the body.
This is an example of curved front legs. It is the musculature, not bone that causes this appearance, it is a good indication that the front is set too far forward on the body.
Down in pasterns - pasterns are long and weak.
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