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By Michelle Scott, Kate Murray and Sylvy Bouchard

Breed standard * Corded Poodle * Health * Grooming * Links * Contact * Français


Canadian breed standard

"The chest deep, oval and moderately wide with a prominent prosternum (menubrium). The ribs well sprung. To ensure the desirable squarely built appearance, the length of the body measured from the breastbone (prosternum) to the pinbone (ischiatic tuberosity) approximates the height from the highest point at the shoulders to the ground. However, the leg length is 55% of the height of the dog. The back short and strong and very slightly hollowed immediately behind the withers. The loin short, broad and muscular. Bone in proportion to the size of the dog."

Good depth of chest, 'fill' (amount of chest between the front legs) and forechest
Absolutely no front, no depth of chest, no forechest - the front is placed too far forward on the body.
Too long in body, specifically the loin (although it is a strong loin).
Too short in back
Too wide in front, toeing in - barrel chested/ribbed.
Here are two examples of Poodles in coat and clipped off to show you what's underneath.

Example 1

Example 2
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