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By Michelle Scott, Kate Murray and Sylvy Bouchard

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Canadian breed standard

"Straight and parallel when viewed from the rear. When viewed from the side, muscular with width in the region of the stifles, which are well bent. Pelvis (set at 30 degrees from the horizontal) and femur are about equal in length; hock to heel short and perpendicular to the ground. When standing, the rear toes are only slightly behind the point of the rump. Pin bone protruding behind and below the set on of tail to give a well-defined buttock. The angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters."

These are both excellent rears, the one on the left has a more defined pinbone.
Straight rear, not enough width of stifle.
Rounded pinbone, not enough bend of stifle, not enough width in stifle.
Sickle hocks.
Straight rear.
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