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By Michelle Scott, Kate Murray and Sylvy Bouchard

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Head and Expression

Canadian breed standard

"Skull should be slightly full and moderately peaked with a slight but definite stop. Cheekbones and muscles flat. Length from occiput to stop about the same as the length of muzzle. Viewed from the side, the plane of the top of the skull should extend parallel to the plane of the top of the muzzle. Muzzle long straight and fine, but strong, without lippiness. Moderate chiseling under the eyes. The chin definite enough to preclude snipiness. Teeth (42) white and strong. Tight scissors or level bite. Nose sharp with well-defined nostrils. Eyes oval shaped, very dark, tight eyelids; happy, alert and full of fire and intelligence. Ears hanging close to the head, set at or slightly below eye level. The ear leather is long, wide and thickly feathered."

Standard Poodles
Nice head, needs more chiselling.
Nice head, flat cheeks, good underjaw, good chiselling, nice length - but dishy and has bad head planes.
Very nice head, good length, chiselling, underjaw - needs better head planes.
Nice head, good chiselling - but has oriental eyes (obliquely set - eyes should face forward) and a slight roman finish (nose tips down).
A 'common' head - wide set, round eyes, eyes low set - however it has nice length.
Miniature Poodles
Nice head, good length, chiselling, underjaw - would like eyes more forward.
A 'common' head - nice eyes - but cheeks too round.
Also a 'common' head - good underjaw - but cheeks too rounded and muzzle too short.
Toy Poodles
Nice head, good length, underjaw - would like eyes more forward facing and a stronger muzzle.
Nice silver puppy head, good length, should refine a litte more as it matures (get more chiselling).
A 'common' head - decent length, good underjaw - too wide through skull.
Very nice head, same dog done up and wet.

Very nice head, same dog done up and wet.
Bad head planes and roman finish (nose pointing down and a rounded/convex topline of muzzle)
Bad head planes, round eyes, snipy.
The underjaw looks wonderful - but beware its actually hair!
Too much flew - needs tighter lips.
Snipy, poor head planes (wedge shaped)
Bad head planes
Snipy - no underjaw
Same dog before and after enhancements.

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