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By Michelle Scott, Kate Murray and Sylvy Bouchard

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Canadian breed standard

"A Poodle under 12 months may be shown in the "Puppy Clip". In all regular classes, Poodles 12 months or over must be shown in the "English Saddle" or "Continental" Clip. A Poodle shown in competitive classes in any other clip shall be disqualified. However, the Brood Bitch and Stud Dog may be shown in any clip.

(a) Puppy Clip
A Poodle under a year old may be shown in the Puppy Clip with the coat long. The face, throat, feet, and base of the tail are shaved. The entire shaven foot is visible. There is a pompon on the end of the tail. In order to give a neat appearance and a smooth unbroken line, shaping of the coat is permissible.

(b) English Saddle Clip
In the English Saddle Clip, the face, throat, feet, forelegs, and base of tail are shaved, leaving bracelets on the forelegs, and a pompon on the end of the tail. The hindquarters are covered with a short blanket of hair except for a curved shaved area on each flank and two shaved bands on each hind leg at the stifle and hock joints. The entire shaven foot and a portion of the shaven foreleg above the bracelets are visible. The rest of the body may be shaped in order to ensure overall balance.

(c) Continental Clip
In the Continental Clip, the face, throat, feet, and base of the tail are shaved. The hindquarters are shaved with pompons (optional) on the hips. The legs are shaved leaving bracelets on the forelegs and rear legs. There is a pompon on the end of the tail. The entire shaven foot and a portion of the shaven foreleg above the bracelets are visible. The rest of the body may be shaped to ensure overall balance.

In all three clips the hair of the topknot may be left free, or shaped, or held in place by elastic bands used only on the skull."

Puppy Trim
Continental Trim
English Saddle Trim
Historically Correct Trim:

This trim is fully acceptable, it is a shorter version of the Continental or English Saddle, usually with a shaped, free topknot.
Sporting Trim:

The most commonly seen trim in the stud dog or brood bitch classes.
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